Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Wounded Wolf

He who returns from battlefield
with blood in his eyes
sweat in his neck
He who took all the pain
He who took all the responbillity in his back
guillty haunted him
kill his mind
tear his heart
he cant think
he cant see
that there's sun of hope
in edge of the darkness
he forget that he has THE ONE
who always walk with him
accompany him
teach him
days and night
the devil not always walk alone
he also has friend
when we have trouble dont be shy to invite HIM to come
he always with pleasure help us
wash our wounded heart
clean our dirty mind
show us the way
there always a hope we just open our eyes to see any chance
open our heart to invite HIM
and booom!!
our problem gone with the wind
we just have to believe HIM

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Three sides lives

i spent my life
without any expectation
never expect you
come to my life
shake my world
lure me to your hive
poison me with you sweet n deadly word
flirt me
inject me
boost me
crush me
and now i try to rebulit every piece of hope you give to me
is not story about us anymore
is story about my life
and my way
scenario that written by the Creator
you just one part from story of my life story three side lives
my story and i'm the only actor
search the right actress....

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Punggung seorang Pria: Tarian dalam gelap

alunan nada penuh ilusi terus berputar
mengiringi setiap lekuk tubuh sang penghibur
senyum menghibur luka terus terpancar dari
wajah yang bersinar meskipun matahari tidak mau menyinarinya
tanpa pernah berhenti terus bergerak
setiap keringat yang jatuh menjadi sebuah harga
untuk sepotong daging
mengisi perut yang menangis
kaki penuh sayat yang menjadi saksi kerasnya sebuah persaingan
untuk mempertahankan nilai warisan
dan mencari nasi
tetaplah menari meskipun dalam gelap
karena akan selalu ada cahaya yang menerangi mata hati
menerangi setiap langkah
sebuah lilin harapan yang tak pernah padam untuk kalian wahai penari jalanan...
yang terus menari meski dalam gelap

*puisi ini didedikasikan untuk semua penari jalanan yang tidak pernah lelah menari dan selalu bersyukur atas hidupnya. Salute to STREET DANCER all over the world. my respect.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Punggung seorang Pria: Punggung itu pun berkisah

Dia yang berjalan ditengah kegelapan malam
mendengar bisikan angin yang menemani sepi harinya
matanya terus menghadap ke tanah mencari tau apa saja yang sudah dia lewati
mahluk mahluk malam disekitarnya menjadi saksi
bagi punggungnya yang lebar
menanggung beban dunia
setiap luka yang muncul
terjahit dan terukir di punggungnya
menjadi sebuah memori pahit
namun juga manis
semua cerita terukir
semua cerita tergores
di punggung yang lebar
menjadi sebuah kaset rekaman perjalanan hidup seorang putra adam
mengahadapi hari yang brutal
setiap darah
setiap keringat
yang jatuh akan tetap terlukis didalam punggung yang rapuh

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Buried Hope

Today i wake up without any expectation
spent my whole life without her shadow anymore
day by day
night by night
i walk alone in my shadow
lost in time
drown in my insanity
loose you
drowned you
in endless sea
but now you call me
in gloomy day
when i learn to forget
you pull me again into this madness
you force me to dig again
the hope that i buried
God i dont know
is this your scenario for me
give me yout light
give me your shine
accompany me trough this valley of the darkness
teach me to heal my bleed soul
i wish you always walk with me
i believe you never let me walk alone in circle of madness
show me what she wants
show me....
and teach me...

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Broken Wood

Losers walk with shame in his bloody back
leave the ring that spit on his face
and blitz tear apart his pride
the wounds seems can't heal
by time
he watch the empty cup
remember when the pride day
and now the world leave him alone
in madness and hate
but its aint over till is over
there is always a hope
though is hard to reach
dont let the world smack you
rise above hate
run into the typoon
baptism by fire
and get the world again

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

He's Down

He's down into piece
bleed n crushed
blind with madness
and hopeless
sink into deep
dark sea
lost in time
he's lost his fang
broken by whisper
she blows into
when he's laying on her dream
she's burn everything into ashes
spread it in hopeless sea
crushed everything he built for her
into dust
and leave him dying on her foot
begging for water of hope
when she and the world leave him in
mad world
his only hope is finger of God
touch his heart and mind
shine his way again
and face the world once again
rise above hate and madness
with hope in his fist
run with light of God
never before never again